Monday, September 22, 2014

How Much Does A Funeral and Burial Service Costs in the Philippines?

Everyone of us is going to die sooner or later. All of us will need to use the services of funeral and burial at some point. How much money do you need to cover all these expenses?  

A lot! I know because I've experienced it earlier this year when my beloved father passed away. You need to at least prepare Php 200K cash to cover everything! 

On an average, you will spend:
  • Funeral Service - Php 70 to Php 100K depending of the type of casket you'll choose
  • Interment - Php 20K
  • Burial Lot - Php 70K (lawn type, covered in grass, with flat marble marker/lapida)

Other Expenses:
There could be additional expenses for things like flowers, placing the obituary in the newspaper, extensions (if you want to extend the funeral service for a few days) and food for your guests.

Fortunately, there are many things you can do beforehand to reduce the cost of funeral and burial services. Like getting a fixed amount Pre need Life Plan and buying a burial lot in installment basis (payable in 3-5 years). 

The At Need (urgent, you need it right away) price of St.Peter Funeral Service costs around Php 70K cash. If you buy the Pre Need (made available in advance) St. Peter Life Plan, you'll only pay half (around Php 34K) and you get to pay it in installment basis. Only Php 650 a month, payable in 5 years. It will save you a lot of money! Check out the prices of St. Peter Life Plans HERE.

If you're interested to know how St.Peter can help you save huge amount of money, contact me anytime. Thanks!



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  8. Nice informative Blog !
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